Bodoni's book ' Terra Harmonica ' was published by Oog en Blik in 2009. It is beautifully printed and carefully put together att printinghouse Rob Stolk. It is a so called ' leparello ' book.
The black and white foto's of the pages are made att Rob Stolks.
In 1986 my book: ' 2 Alfredo's op een Groene Prairiewolf ' appeared. It got a very nice reception from both critics and public. At first the book got published without a title on the cover. As a result people did not even open the book to look into it. Then I decided that there should be a sleeve jacket around the book... So one night Henk Langeveld, who in those days made The Milky Way's silkscreen posters, helped me to print the the Neon Cover for the 2 Alfredo album. There were only made 500 copies of these...
This is the back site of the Alfredo book